Jacked Shoulders

A 6-Video Complete Guide to Jacked Shoulders

Have you ever wondered why so many bodybuilders NEVER get the coveted “boulder shoulders”? The answer is poor exercise selection, using the wrong rep and set ranges, and even using TOO MUCH WEIGHT! I also went many years with poor shoulder development which I wrote off to “poor genetics“. But then I ended up with two torn rotator cuff injuries (not bodybuilding related) which forced me to take a deep dive into what I could do to force my shoulders to grow. I quickly found out that I, and I’d say 90% of other armature bodybuilders were all making terrible exercise selections for working the shoulders. This is why it is often you see lifters with big chests, arms, legs, lats, etc., but the shoulders seem to lag behind. Sometimes pretty badly.

Well developed “Jacked” shoulders portray power, strength, and immediately draw attention. If you want to learn how it is done, then you are at the right place.

This six-video series teaches you everything you need to know – everything! And it is condensed into a total of 64 minutes of video. So, if you have an hour to spare – you can learn and apply what you’ve learned literally right after you watch the videos. And I’ll let you get a taste of what the videos are like by providing the first two videos here on this page.

Here is what is included in the videos:

  • Anatomy of the Shoulders (shows how and why they are worked in this program)
  • Core Exercises to develop the Lateral and Rear Deltoids
  • Exercises Demonstrated with Shoulder Anatomy worked in each.
  • Exercise Variations which will cause both side and rear deltoid activation in one move
  • How to fix shoulder impingement
  • How to target the lower side deltoid to get the coveted “V” look
  • Exercise positioning
  • Learn the exact Sets – Reps – and Variations
  • What volume is needed
  • Rest periods are important – fully explained
  • How to use time as a variable for maximum “pop” and growth for the deltoids
  • Learn the proper way to stretch the shoulders for faster growth
  • A PDF is included which gives chapter times for all subjects covered so you can easily return to any portion of any video and know exactly where to start. The PDF also is a quick reference for all abbreviations, definitions, and additional links.
  • Additional (optional) gym exercises and demonstrations are given to further work the rear deltoids.
  • Nutritional timing and hydration is also covered briefly
  • The program comes with an optional one hour private coaching session.

NOTE: The program requires dumbbells to complete (cables may be used as well but dumbbells are recommended). If you have no access to a gym, a minimum of three sets of different weighted dumbbells will probably be needed for best results (IE: Two 5 lb. dumbbells and two 10 lb. dumbbells and two 15 lb. dumbbells as an example). There are also two optional rear deltoid exercises which can only be normally performed at a gym.

Watch the following videos for more information:

Jacked Shoulders Video 1 – Overview
Jacked Shoulders Video 2 – Quick Anatomy

More Info or to Order – Click Here