Little things7 Videos


Isometric Stretching For Muscle Growth

Isometric Stretching For Muscle Growth – this little known secret technique has scientifically been proven to increase muscle growth over not stretching at all. In particular, the fascia which acts like a plastic wrap around the muscles in order to help the muscles from “getting too big” can be stretched over time with will allow […]

The Importance Of Good Form At The Gym

The importance of good workout form at the gym for your workouts is over emphasized – or is it? What some would call poor form might have its place in building the best body in as short amount of time as possible. Or some might say a beginner uses bad exercise technique. And cheating is […]

How Long Does it Take to BURN OFF One Donut?

How Long Does it Take to BURN OFF One Donut? The length of time it takes for the burning of 400 calories (the average glazed donut) is about 30 minutes of moderate treadmill work. And that 30 minutes just gets you back to square – as if you never ate that donut. The burning of […]

This Shoulder Exercise is a COMPLETE WASTE of Time!

This Shoulder Exercise is a COMPLETE WASTE of Time! The shoulders are worked more than you may know. In particular, the anterior or front part of the shoulder (deltoid) muscle is preobably being exercised way too much for most people at the gym who follow a typical workout routine. This video will save you time […]
This Kills Gains

This KILLS bodybuilding Gains!

This KILLS bodybuilding Gains! A little known anti bodybuilding event occurs whenever people take NSAID’s (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These include Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and several others. These drugs interfere with the “good” inflammation which is produced whenever you lift weights or after a workout. When that happens, muscle gains are hampered as anabolic signaling is […]

I got MONETIZED as fast as I could – HERE’S HOW

To test out a strategy, I started a new YouTube channel and tried to get it monetized as fast as I could, it took 6 weeks. This video will show you every step I took to get there. WATCH ME NEXT ✅ I used these techniques to get high retention for monetization ✅ Learn […]