Routines3 Videos


Complete Shoulder Workout Program With Dumbbells

Complete Shoulder Workout Program With Dumbbells – MuscleFast Jacked Shoulders Complete Program builds those boulder shoulders in the shortest time possible and develops the coveted “V” shape taper for the lateral delts. The program focuses on the best exercises using primarily dumbbells. A dedicated day to work this program once per week is needed with […]

Easily Build A Lagging Body Part

Easily Build A Lagging Body Part – how to bring up a lagging muscle body part is rather simple to do – work it more! Almost all lagging body parts are caused by under use. This may be due to injury or simply not liking to work that particular body part. Muscular development which is […]

Which Builds Muscle Better – Intensity or Volume?

Which Builds Muscle Better: Intensity or Volume? This age old debate in the bodybuilding world is classic. The answer reveals which builds bigger muscles and the fastest. Should you use heavy weights with low repetition ranges or should you use lighter weights and higher repetitions? And does it make a difference if you are talking […]