Easily Build A Lagging Body Part

Easily Build A Lagging Body Part – how to bring up a lagging muscle body part is rather simple to do – work it more! Almost all lagging body parts are caused by under use. This may be due to injury or simply not liking to work that particular body part. Muscular development which is aesthetically on par with your other muscle groups is always desired. The bottom line is getting growth and development from parts which are lagging behind means working that body part MORE than the other body parts. How else will it ever catch up if it is behind in the first place? There are several techniques and tips to improve what you, as a bodybuilder desire. Here we will look to bring up a lagging muscle group by simply working it more for a period of time. One of the best ways to grow muscle is to make it stronger. As the muscle increases in strength, size will surely follow (assuming your nutrition is up to par). Lets take a look at the calves as an example bodypart. Building the muscles of the calves (a notoriously slow growing muscle group for many bodybuilders).

I can personally attest to the fact that until recently, my calf muscles were weak and small. I simply under-worked that muscle group for years. To bring-up this lagging body part, I simply set a goal to do at least a couple of sets of calf raises each day for an entire month. That’s right – for 30 days, I worked calves (with off days and two missed opportunities to work this muscle group, I had 24 calf workout days in that one month period of time. The results were amazing! Now, the calves are one of my strongest parts of my body (out-lifting almost everyone with both seated and standing calf raises). And since that month has passed, now that I am working this previously weak body part regularly now (once every 3-4 days) – the size is now jumping on my calves. All I needed was proper rest in between working out my calves for everything to move into place.

I’m not saying this is the only way to bring up a lagging muscle part – but I can tell you that it works! You may not be able to incorporate as many days per week as I did (for whatever lagging muscle part) but work the lagging muscle MORE than the others for a period of time and then continue to regularly work that muscle group and you will be on your way to a more aesthetic and proportional body!

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