
Which Builds Muscle Better – Intensity or Volume?

Which Builds Muscle Better: Intensity or Volume? This age old debate in the bodybuilding world is classic. The answer reveals which builds bigger muscles and the fastest. Should you use heavy weights with low repetition ranges or should you use lighter weights and higher repetitions? And does it make a difference if you are talking […]

Poor Oblique Abs Workout

Many at the gym do this one very poor abs exercise for their obliques. There is a very good oblique exercise you can use in its place at the gym and another you can even do at home. Nobody wants a wide waist. But this exercise for the oblique muscles will certainly widen your waist […]

The Importance Of Good Form At The Gym

The importance of good workout form at the gym for your workouts is over emphasized – or is it? What some would call poor form might have its place in building the best body in as short amount of time as possible. Or some might say a beginner uses bad exercise technique. And cheating is […]