
A Great Body Is Not A Short-term Goal Of Discipline

A Great Body Is Not A Short-term Goal Of Discipline – Self motivation OVER THE LONG-TERM is the absolute biggest keys to bodybuilding. it is HOW you succeed! Most people would see this as punishment. I see it as motivational! Why? Because so few people have the discipline and motivation over the long-term, if you […]

Isometric Stretching For Muscle Growth

Isometric Stretching For Muscle Growth – this little known secret technique has scientifically been proven to increase muscle growth over not stretching at all. In particular, the fascia which acts like a plastic wrap around the muscles in order to help the muscles from “getting too big” can be stretched over time with will allow […]

L Citrulline Before Workout

L Citrulline Before Workout – l-citrulline (not with malate) is a pre workout supplement which I tell you how and when to use this one great supplement which is actually worth it to try. Not only do you get enhanced pumps with l-citrulline but you get more reps on deeper sets as your endurance is […]

Which Builds Muscle Better – Intensity or Volume?

Which Builds Muscle Better: Intensity or Volume? This age old debate in the bodybuilding world is classic. The answer reveals which builds bigger muscles and the fastest. Should you use heavy weights with low repetition ranges or should you use lighter weights and higher repetitions? And does it make a difference if you are talking […]

What Does It Take to Succeed as a Bodybuilder?

What Does it Take to Succeed as a Bodybuilder? It makes no sense whatsoever to go into bodybuilding without the attitude that “NOTHING CAN STOP ME – NOTHING!!” – Without that attitude, you won’t succeed. You MUST do what it takes IF you want to be the most you can be. And stop dreaming of: […]