
What Does It Take to Succeed as a Bodybuilder?

What Does it Take to Succeed as a Bodybuilder? It makes no sense whatsoever to go into bodybuilding without the attitude that “NOTHING CAN STOP ME – NOTHING!!” – Without that attitude, you won’t succeed. You MUST do what it takes IF you want to be the most you can be. And stop dreaming of: […]
This Kills Gains

This KILLS bodybuilding Gains!

This KILLS bodybuilding Gains! A little known anti bodybuilding event occurs whenever people take NSAID’s (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These include Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and several others. These drugs interfere with the “good” inflammation which is produced whenever you lift weights or after a workout. When that happens, muscle gains are hampered as anabolic signaling is […]

Poor Oblique Abs Workout

Many at the gym do this one very poor abs exercise for their obliques. There is a very good oblique exercise you can use in its place at the gym and another you can even do at home. Nobody wants a wide waist. But this exercise for the oblique muscles will certainly widen your waist […]