The Value Of Eating Carbohydrates Post Workout

The value of eating a post workout meal which contains insulin spiking carbohydrate can’t be over emphasized. Timing is also important to get insulin for the most benefits. I know, one study says carbohydrates are important to eat post workout and another says there is no value there. But lets look at what we know without out a doubt regarding the muscle needs post-workout for nutrients and the value that carbohydrates play in making sure your hard workout is maximized by eating the right carbohydrates at the right time – which is post working out.

What we can know is that post workout, the muscles crave the right nutrition, in part, in order to repair the muscle damage as efficiently as possible. The more nutrients we can drive into the muscles by eating the right mix of carbohydrates and protein will make a difference eventually in muscle size and short term, in the muscle’s ability to recover for the next workout. Bodybuilding isn’t rocket science, but some people want to make it that way. Carbohydrate induced glycogen and nutrient storage is not only beneficial to health and healthy muscle repair, but it is what you need to maximally grow. The “post-workout” or anabolic window and insulin spike is important so eat the right combination of carbohydrate to protein for great benefits. Nutrition timing is important for athletes wanting to maximize muscle repair and growth. I believe after you see this video, you will agree that the benefits are to much to ignore. Insulin, from the right type of carbohydrates, is a key factor for your progress and is discussed.

Lets discuss why the value of eating the right carbohydrates post workout is essential for the best long-term muscle gains. Simple sugars spike insulin. They (simple carbohydrates) with a high glycemic value is what we want for the best benefits. Starchy carbs don’t do it! And it has to be done post-workout in my opinion. You can make up your mind how and what to eat after hearing the evidence. Eating high glycemic carbohydrates truly are the key to post workout success as nothing else comes close in the human diet. Athletes always want to be as efficient as possible. Bodybuilders who are serious are athletes. So compete like an athlete and learn carbohydrate importance and let that dictate how you eat post-workout. There are many sources who will tell you that carbs or carbohydrate ingestion doesn’t make any difference in muscle building benefits. It is very important! Learn why the timing is also a key important point to consider as you decide what and when to eat. No part of any bodybuilder ever wants to minimize gains. Before you train next, listen to what you need to do after you train, learn the timing, and eat the right nutrition (carbohydrates and protein) mix appropriately!

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